Ginseng has been considered a panacea for centuries, especially in the East where it became known for its beneficial properties. In modern times, the healing properties of this herb are now scientifically proven.
Everything about the pear and its cultivation
Pear is one of the most beloved fruits of the Greek countryside, rich in vitamins and ideal food from infancy. It is a raw material for fruit salads and compotes while giving excellent taste to natural juices. It has a high nutritional value, with many antioxidants, fiber and vitamins without...
Cultivate carrot in your vegetable garden!
Carrots are a very popular vegetable, with a long shelf life inside and outside the refrigerator! This root can withstand many different climates, while there are many varieties which are enough to have carrots in your garden all year round! Home cultivated carrots, in fact, have a very special...
Narcissus – Daffodil symbolism & cultivation!
Nothing says “spring is coming” like daffodils & narcissus. Suddenly they seem to pop up all around you, when only a week ago there was just dull grass and assorted winter detritus. With their beautiful yellow petals, long cups and star-shaped blooms, they are bound to delight anyone who...
Everything about the almond tree and its cultivation
The almond tree has been cultivated since 4000 BC. and is one of the favorite trees of Greek nature, where during the flowering season beautifies gardens and parks. It is a deciduous tree with wonderful fruits that offer many important uses. The almond tree offers its fruit cooked or raw, full...
The phases of the Moon in gardening
The moon is an important element from antiquity, based on which, the diferent seasons, sowing, harvest, successful fishing, collection of medicinal herbs and the preparation of medicines were calculated. The phases of the moon were important and its relationship to the tide had been observed...
Lavender – Everything about its properties, uses and cultivation!
The beautiful lavender, known since antiquity for many applications, finds many uses, from cooking and confectionery, to herbal cosmetics and treatments through its essential oil and tincture. As a natural aroma of space and closets but also for adorns a beautiful garden. In fact, it is food for...